Friday, September 23, 2011


Here are a few reasons I have decided to start this blog.

        1.     I love to cook!
        2.     I am constantly trying new recipes and sharing them with others.
        3.     All of my friends are constantly asking me to send them recipes.

I came to love cooking so much from growing up in the kitchen with my dad.  He always made the best meals and I was always learning something new from him.  Now I am married, with a husband that thankfully loves to eat (his guy friends do too) and will let me try out any new recipe I can find.

I love trying new recipes from magazines, websites, just about anywhere.  For the most part I do cook pretty healthy, but occasionally I have to throw in something not so healthy to keep the husband happy. 

So here we go with Brittany’s Texan Table.  I hope anyone who reads it and tries any of the recipes enjoys them as much as we do.



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